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Volume 12, Issue 30: Finish Strong Part I

There's an expression that goes like this. "It's not how you start but how you finish that counts." This is mostly an encouragement in situations where one doesn't start with much stamina or success but is impressed upon to have a great finish. However, sometimes we start well but lose momentum along the way and risk not finishing strong.

My thoughts today are on both scenarios. Starting with the later, high achievers tend to start a seasion or a project on a high note. In some cases, as life happens, they get off track or discouraged when they don't see the results they expect fast enough. Sometimes it comes down to struggling to get back on course after life throws them a curve ball.

But high achievers are resilient. They fight through all sorts of obstacles to finish strong. But this doesn't mean that it is not really hard sometimes to the point of wanting to throw in the towel. And so an encouragement to get back up and keep going can be very valuable and timely.

As the year draws to close, that ball that you dropped along the way when you faced setbacks doesn't have to stay dropped. You can pick it back up and race to the finish line. Which goal have you given up on attaining this year? You tried but things just didn't line up to your advantage. Any chance that you can try again now and see where you get by the time the year comes to an end?

For me it's my writing. I am several articles behind my target of publishing 52 articles in the year, ideally one article per week. But I am not throwing in the towel. I may not make the target this year but I will get close. I am not giving up without a fight. I may have found myself about halfway through my target in the last quarter of the year but I am determined to finish strong on this goal.

What's yours? Is it a health goal, a relational goal, a financial goal, a career goal, a spiritual goal? Which of the goals that you started the year on a high note on is lagging? Do you now realize that it's not too late to finish strong even on that goal? Can you pick it back up and resume the race? You can do it. You can finish strong. It's not too late to get that goal to the finish line and finish 2022 strong. Let's do it.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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