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Volume 01, Issue 25: Pick your Associations

We all have heroes. Who are the people you look up to for inspiration? Who are the people whose work turns on a million bulbs within your soul?

I thought that peer pressure was just for teen years until I realized that influence is no respecter of age. It never ceases to work in spite of how much we advance in years. Our outlook in life is largely influenced by those we closely relate with.

Whose company are you keeping? Who is influencing who you are becoming? We become like those we associate with. If we observe intently, we will notice that we hardly ever surpass the level of those closest to us.

Keep the company of people who motivate you and nudge you on. Keep away from those who disparage your ambition and pull you down.

Build relationships with people who model the growth you want. As you associate with like-minded people, you will find yourself wanting to win your own race. John C. Maxwell advises that if you want to grow up, go up. Associate with people whose achievements exceed your own and model the growth you desire.

Lillian Chebosi



+1 #2 Lillian Chebosi 2011-03-24 15:17
Nice that you brought up this other angle Elizabeth. That as much as we pick associations that grow us, we also need to forge associations for the purpose of pulling others up. After all, we grow inoder to grow others...Thanks .
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+1 #1 Elizabeth Matioli 2011-03-24 11:56
Another great piece! I agree, let us choose wisely who we interact with - it is either people who pull us down, keep us mediocre or urge us up! There are also moments that call us to be the ones who pull others up - in this case we need to be clear in our minds that we are in this to pull others up.
God bless you for this work you are doing - keeping our minds challenged & informed.
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