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Volume 12, Issue 32: Change Happens Gradually

Most meaningful change often take time to bring about. Change doesn't just happen, it is brought about gradually by repeated actions. Yet, it sometimes feels, especially to those looking from the outside, that the change that has occurred has happened rapidly. This is why we hear people talk about how someone is an overnight success.

There's no such thing as overnight success. Those who think or say that someone is an overnight success do so because all they have witnessed is what appears to be a rapid jump to success. They have not been privy to all the investment that has gone into the eventual success the person has realized.

One of the things I enjoy thinking about is that I didn't always not struggle not to reach for certain foods when they are displayed within my reach and everyone around me is partaking. It has taken me years to get to the point of having made a complete shift in what I enjoy to eat. But when I sit down at a table with people who haven't witnessed my journey, some assume that it happened instantly.

Many of the things I now do with ease are as a result of small habits that I have consistently repeated over a long time. Some has taken years of trying and failing, but persisting nonetheless. Waking up early has become second nature to me. So has spending time with God first thing each morning, exercising, listening to audio books, reading and going to bed early.

I like what James Clear has written on this on one of his quotes. "What appears to be a rapid shift is often preceded by a gradual process. Our results gradually explode or vanish thanks to the small habits we repeat each day. What radical change are you slowly marching towards? An incremental explosion or an incremental vanishing?"


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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