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Volume 12, Issue 33: Stay In The Game

Anyone can start a workout plan or a diet plan and stick with it for a little while. Most of us can start a business. Any sensible person can be motivated to start saving for their future. Many people can embark on cleaning their house or organizing the spaces. Anyone can pick up a book to read, or listen to a podcast on their mobile device.

Sadly however, not everyone who starts a workout plan or a diet plan makes it a lifestyle. Not everyone who starts a business keeps it running. Not everyone who starts saving makes it a lifelong practice. Not everyone who decides to clean and organize their spaces maintains a clean and organized house. Not everyone who starts reading books makes learning a lifelong habit.

Longevity isn't very common. If it was, we would all be fit and healthy, financially successful, neat and tidy, thriving in relationships, smart and intelligent and so forth.

If all we could do is stay in the game at the good stuff we embark on, we could each live our best life possible. We would be counted among the great.

In one of his recent posts, James Clear put it simply. "Over long time frames, simply staying in the game is impressive.

  • Health and fitness: Can you stay injury free and not miss workouts?
  • Wealth and finance: Can you avoid debt and continue to save?
  • Business: Can you maintain cashflow and stay in business?

Longevity is it's own form of greatness".

What do you need to stay in the game for? Where in your life do you need to consistently keep showing up over the long haul?


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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