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Volume 12, Issue 34: Busy Is A Decision

The word busy is thrown around a lot in our day and age. We say we are too busy to nurture our relationships. We are too busy to exercise. We are too busy to read the word of God and pray. We are too busy to go back to school. We are too busy to serve in church and so forth.

But is that really the truth? What are we busy with? We are busy with the things that we have decided are important to us. The things we say we are too busy for are the things we have decided are not worthy of our investment. They are things that are not a priority for us.

How is that when someone is diagnosed with a lifestyle disease they suddenly have the time to invest in healthy eating and exercise? How is is that when a parent is confronted with the reality of a suicidal teen they suddenly drop everything to attend to the wellbeing of their child?

Busy is a decision. If we are going to be busy, we had better choose to be busy with the things that matter most. For me that's the wellness of my loved ones, my walk with the Lord, my health and wellness, my relationships and my contribution. I have chosen these few things to be busy about and assigned each a degree of priority. Apart from my professional work, anything else outside of these I am officially too busy for.

Unfortunately, too many people are too busy for the things they actually hold dear but don't know how very important those things are to them. It shouldn't have to take a reality check of a life threatening occurrence for us to get busy with the right things. Take time to figure out your true priorities. Then get busy about attending to them above all else.

I was inspired by what writer, artist and podcast host Debbie Millman wrote on busyness: "Busy is a decision. We do the things we want to do, period. If we say we are too busy, it is just shorthand for the thing being "not important enough" or "not a priority." Busy is not a badge. You don't find the time to make things, you make the time to do things."


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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