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Volume 12, Issue 39: Stay Grounded This Holiday Season

The holiday season tends to be a busy time. It comes with a new set of demands for our time and energy. It also comes with possible interruption of our regular schedules and routines, especially when travel is involved. As such, it's easy for us to lose our footing.

It's good and normal to take a break from some routine disciplines during the holiday season. But taking this too far does more harm than good. What can follow after the holidays is difficulty in getting back to the disciplines you take a complete break from during the holidays.

I believe the best course of action is to slow down the intensity of routine disciplines during the holidays rather than putting them on pause. If one of your routine disciplines is regular exercise, you can still do light exercises and stretches when removed from your normal environment as a result of holiday travel.

You can still eat sensibly while on vacation if one of your disciplines is healthy eating. Many establishments and house parties now provide their guests with a variety of food options to choose from. You can always call ahead to find out and either request the host to include your preferred food options in the menu, or you can bring your food for the table or refrigerator.

The holidays don't have to be about staying up late or sleeping-in much longer than your usual schedule. If you operate your life in such a way that you get the right amount of sleep each night, then you don't need to excessively sleep in during the weekends or holidays.

Excessive sleeping-in during the holidays may be hard to recover from after the holidays. And so is lack of exercise and poor eating habits among other disciplines you have armed yourself with for successful living. So, do yourself a favour and stay grounded this holiday season.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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