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Volume 12, Issue 40: Watch Out

One of the things that have stood out for me these last few days of the year is things and people are not always what they seem. We at times encounter people who are lovely until you disagree with them on something, albeit minor.

Just this month I had someone pull out all "guns" on me in front of people for having made a design choice that displeased them. I also got surprised by someone's emotional outburst when I expressed a concern about an item on a bill.

These experiences reminded me that things and people are not always what they seem to be. People can hide emotional baggage and immaturity that can shock the daylights out of you when unleashed.

So, what's one to do when they find themselves on the receiving end of such situations? Remain unmoved, calm and dispassionate. You must realize that any sort of outrageous outburst has nothing to do with you or what you have done. So be the wiser and leave a fool to fight with him/herself.

Don't let other people's behavior rearrange the atmosphere of your emotions and disrupt your well being. Resist the temptation to stoop to their level and fire back at them. Instead, rise above it and remain unbothered. Such a response will not only serve you, but will also send a strong message to the offender.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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