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Volume 12: Issue 41: Assess Yourself

We are at the last week of the year, an opportune time to conduct a self assessment of how we have done this year. Let's take advantage of the slow pace of this week and conduct an end of year review against the benchmarks we laid out for ourselves this year.

I recommend a detailed assessment at this point of the year. Don't do a blanket review but rather take it one category of your goals after another. Assuming you had goals and action points for your career, for your health, for your relationships, for learning, for your finances, for your spiritual walk, and so forth. A year-end review would serve you best if you assessed each category of your goals on its own.

Once we conduct an assessment of our performance, we should then outline an action plan detailing what we want to do about the results of the assessment. We should be clear about this before setting goals for the new year if we are serious about self improvement and growth.

If we invest time in an objective assessment, we may find that there may be goals we did poorly in that we don't want to work on anymore. Or that there are benchmarks we exceed that we want to raise the bar on in the new year. We could also find that there is a goal we flopped at that we want to prioritize and throw all our weight behind next year. Or that there's a goal we aced that we think we had no business pursuing in the first place.

So let's do it. Let's conduct a thorough end of year review this week, even if it takes us to the start of the new year. It's going to be worth it if we are going to have a more successful year. Because by doing so, we won't be held back by last year's mistakes, mishaps and baggage.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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