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Volume 01, Issue 26: Master Your Circumstances 

We do not determine all the events in life, but our response to the circumstances that life throws at us is entirely our prerogative. We can choose to be dashed or we can choose to grow from even the most inauspicious of circumstances.

How do we prepare for difficult circumstances? How do we ensure that our circumstances do not crush our spirits? How do we keep our cool in the midst of a raging storm? I can think of no better answer to these questions than the words of Anthony Gitonga who wrote that affliction colours life. But we get to choose the colour. The colour we choose is largely determined by our attitude towards the circumstances that life affords us. In the same set of circumstances, people with a different attitude draw different responses.

Preparation gives us confidence. Everything else is out of our control. Disparaging circumstances are bound to come about. It is prudent to anticipate favourable and unfavourable circumstances and prepare for both.

Do you sometimes find yourself painfully wondering why God is not changing your challenging circumstances? Perhaps God is more interested in changing us through the circumstances than he is in changing our circumstances.

Every circumstance affords a choice of response. Every time a circumstance of life attempts to do you in, think of all the choices available to you. When faced with the misfortunes of terrible circumstances such as loss of a job, you can choose to put your natural talent endowments to fruitful use or whine your way to hopelessness.

Take control over how you respond to circumstances that seem to darken your life. Many through adversity have soared to heights of lasting success. Given your limiting circumstances, recognize your choices and act on them.

We do not on the most part determine the circumstances we find ourselves in, but we can choose the best response. Instead of being victimized by our circumstances, we can choose to make the most out of them.

Lillian Chebosi



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