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Volume 12, Issue 42: Takeaways From 2022

As we continue to reflect and ponder over the year that has been this week, one of the things that come to mind for me is to pause and reflect on what I am taking away from this year.

A lot went down in the last twelve months. Our lives were full of action. Some of our activities yielded good fruit, others bad fruit. Some things made us feel good while others left us in the trenches. We had people love us, while others hurt us. We loved and gave to people. Other times we held back love or gifts and regretted doing so.

We pursed our goals and achieved some, or a great deal, or we let ourselves down. We made mistakes, some of which we had the courage and wisdom to correct, others we regret not making right. We said the right things, but we also hurt people with our words, or lack thereof.

Did we enjoy ourselves in 2022? Did we live life to the full? Did we give our all to our endeavors? Did we love people well, the ones God put on our path? Did we make good choices? Did we take good care of ourselves? How did we fair?

As we reflect on these questions and possibly more, let's note down our key takeaways from 2022. Here are some of the questions I am asking myself. "What is the wisdom I am taking away from this year?" What are the lessons I have learnt from my experiences this year that I can take into the new year for a better, stronger and wiser version of myself?"


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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