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Volume 13, Issue 01: Getting Ready For 2023

Happy New Year! Ready on not, the new year is here. If you are anything like me, you haven't finished your end of year review 2022. Not to worry. Carry on with the process this week and wrap it up with a gratitude list.

I would not want to settle into the new year before deeply reflecting on what I am grateful for, for the ended year. I believe gratitude is a platform for walking in more and greater success.

Practice daily gratitude. At the end of each day before going to bed, look back at your day and note down the things you are grateful for. Also pat yourself on the back for your accomplishments for the day. And plan for the next day's success.

In your end of year review, you have noted your accomplishments for 2022 as well as your flops. As you start 2023, don't be tempted to bask in the successes of 2022. You have got to go after more success in 2023.

Don't rush to set new year resolutions. Go for growth instead. Set growth goals for yourself. Think of the actions you can take to go further than you did last year. How can you stretch yourself to accomplish more this year? What can you do more of? What can you do better in 2023?


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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