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Volume 13, Issue 02: A Good Start

Now that we have had a chance to conduct an assessment of how we faired last year, it's time to highlight a few things that will guide our focus this year. Having reflected on the goals you pursued last year and how you performed on each of them, how do you want to proceed?

What conclusions did you make from your end of year review? Out of the goals you pursued last year, which ones do you want to continue pursuing for deeper growth? Which ones did your review reveal you had no business pursuing in the first place and should drop off your list this year?

Which pursuits gave you the most pleasure and sense of fulfillment? Which ones did you find pursuing drudgery? Do you want to keep pursuing the latter? Are they worth pursuing? What will be better in your life if you kept going after them?

Of the things you did last year, what do you want to do more of this year? What things do you want to do better this year? What areas do you want to push yourself to achieve greater results in this year? Which undertakings are worth investing more of yourself in this year?

Out of the things that featured on your to-do lists last year, which ones do you want to stop doing? Which tasks should find their way in your not-to-do list this year? Determine which tasks you should stop doing all together, which ones you should do differently, which ones you should postpone doing and which ones you should delegate.

Lastly, what new things do you want to start doing this year? What new goals do you want to go after this year? What new areas do you want to grow in this year? What new things do you want to start doing to prepare for new opportunities in the future?

Doing the above exercise will help us narrow down our pursuits for this year and set us on paths we will be delighted to be on. Let's do it and have a good start of 2023.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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