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Volume 13, Issue 04: You Can Do Hard Things

Earlier this morning I struggled to get through my workout. Working out has been a bit tough for me this week. I think it's because of being in a fasting and praying season that we do as a church at the start of the year. We started this Monday. I do the one meal a day version - I eat breakfast only, skip lunch and dinner and in-between snacks.

Being underfed is leaving me low on energy by morning. As such, working out is a hard thing for me at this time. But I am not willing to put on hold my early morning routines for twenty one days. So, as I struggled with my workout this morning, these words came to mind and I spoke them out loud. "I can do hard things."

It's not unusual to find yourself struggling to keep up the pace a couple of days into a new year. As motivation for going after your goals wanes, you can find yourself slacking, and excusing yourself on the grounds that you have the whole year ahead of you to show up for your goals.

If that is your situation, flee that temptation to take it easy. Because if you give in to it, that will become the norm for you. You will be establishing a new habit, a new identity that is contrary to what you are after.

You can do hard things. Start by just showing up. Then get on with the motions. Then push yourself to go all the way. The last week of last year and the first week of this new year, I gave myself permission to take it easy with workouts. I did light and short workouts. But I couldn't get comfortable in that mode beyond that time frame. I had to get back to doing full and taxing workouts.

What are you finding hard to do at this point of the new year? What do you need to get back to full speed on? Whatever it is, just show up and do it, however hard. Before you know, you will find doing it getting easier. So, don't be intimidated by the actions you need to take to achieve growth this year. You can do hard things.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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