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Volume 13, Issue 06: Drastic Changes

As parents, we sometimes think that our growing children are not learning from us. Or that they are not grown enough to be capable of making drastic adjustments for the immediate success of a new phase of their lives. This can be such an incorrect assessment of our young people. And they often prove us wrong.

The last morning of their school vacation, children may struggle to wake up by mid morning. But when you wake them up at the crack of dawn the very next day to go to school, they get out of bed without a hustle. Isn't that just amazing!

Another drastic shift I noted yesterday is how during the school vacation, my teen son was on his phone almost every waking hour he was in the house. But the night before schools opened, he handed in his phone for storage for the week and hasn't looked back.

I think children may have a higher capacity for making drastic changes on the spot than adults. They may be hooked to their phones or other gadgets for a season but completely wean themselves out of them when required of them in another season.

Among other things, children can come from staying up late and sleeping in all morning to going to bed early and rising early at the drop of a button. My son came from not touching a text book all holiday long to getting started on his study program the very first evening of resuming school. I thought he would ease into things, maybe show a few withdrawal symptoms after living one way for two months. I am glad he proved me wrong.

There's a lot that we can learn from the drastic positive changes we see our children make from time to time. When we have done our part to instill in them wisdom and raise them well, we can trust that they will do the right thing if they are not bent on rebellion. We can rest assured that they have learnt from us and will stay with their training, or come back to their training if they stray for a time.

More importantly for us, we can know that we too can make drastic changes to improve our situations in life. We can think one way today and a totally different way the next day. We could have lived a certain way last year but make a complete overhaul for the better this year. Like our kids, we too can make drastic changes for the better this year.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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