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Volume 13, Issue 07: Attack The Sloppy

One of the good things I like about taking a lot of time off work in the first month of the year is that it affords me a lot of time for reflection, including unintended reflection. While at Church last Sunday before the service, instead of participating in the pre-service prayer session, I found myself talking to myself and to God about the things I was unhappy with.

This resulted from the state of mind I was in, having hustled to get myself and the kids out of the house for the before service prayer session at my church. The kids not being ready when I was ready to go wasn't the main problem. The main problem was that I wasn't ready to leave until almost half an hour after the time I wanted to leave for church.

I was unhappy with my weekend mornings being sloppy. I have a good idea of how I want my weekend mornings to go. But lately, it's been rather sloppy. It's like my race for efficient mornings ends on Friday, leaving the weekend to fend for itself.

I am not satisfied with winning the morning only during the week days. I want wins all week long. For me, winning the morning on the weekends is really important because it's the time I get to rest and recover from the week. With lack of efficiency, I end up feeling cheated when tasks excessively outrun their time.

So, I am taking back my weekend mornings from the "sloppiness workshop." I must have efficient mornings all week long. Five days out of seven is not good enough. I want all of it. After all, seventy percent success is not really success, is it? If you are already doing so well with your routines, don't let a few things drag you down. Attack the sloppy.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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