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Volume 13, Issue 08: Make The Drastic Change

Just like children, we too can make drastic changes on the spot. While out for my prayer walk this morning, my mind settled on a bad habit I have had for awhile that needed changing. I knew it was a lousy habit and I wanted to drop it, but I had never seriously considered dropping it, until this morning.

In that moment as I prayed, I repented the bad habit, and of course beat myself up for not being smart enough to see it for what it was all this time. But the best part is that I made a concrete decision to replace it with a good habit, which conveniently came to mind right away.

As I write this, now I see what that was all about. It was the Holy Spirit convicting me of a bad habit, and illuminating for me a way out. How wonderful the Lord is to us. He loves us so well, he doesn't want us to miss out on the abundant life he has for us on account of misfits in our makeup. I am so grateful for this today.

I was so delighted when it dawned on me at that moment that I can make a drastic change on the matter. I had lived one way for a time, and now I take a totally different route on the matter. Whenever I come in contact with something for which I used to entertain negative thoughts about the person responsible for the mess, I now make a positive declaration about the person instead.

It's not enough to build good habits. We must endeavor to drop bad ones too, just as urgently. Ask the Lord to illuminate for you a habit that you are entertaining that is not good for you. Then pray for grace to drop it and to immediately replace it with a good habit to avoid a relapse.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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