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Volume 13, Issue 09: Back To Work, Gladly

Return to work thoughts for many people tend to be filled with dread. I admit often feeling that way some years ago. But now, as my return to work day draws near, I don't have that sunk feeling when I think of going back to work. It's okay. And this time around, the long break has afforded me the opportunity to see my days with a different lense. I get to have my special mornings still, then enjoy work after my leisurely breakfast.

To some extent, my days are similar, whether I am working or on vacation. The mornings and evenings are the same. The only difference is the time between breakfast and dinner, I am either working on my computer or doing a myriad of things, or doing nothing mostly around the house. Whichever of the two I am engaged in, my mind and body are in a relaxed state.

I don't find my job a pain. It is hard and demanding, but I am glad to do it. I now look at my days as a loop. I get to do different things with my work day. I get to spend time with God at the crack of dawn, do a workout, go out for a walk, read a book, write, have a leisurely breakfast, work on my computer, and sit down to dinner with my family. What's not to love? I love my work days the same way that I love my off days. They both serve a purpose. I am thankful for both.

I am grateful to have a job to go back to. A job that I love and enjoy doing. If you ever dread going back to work, consider the people who don't have a job to go back to at the start of the year. Think of all the people who are yet to land a job after graduating from college. And all the people whose jobs ended and haven't found other jobs yet. It is a blessing to have a job to go back to after the holidays.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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