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Volume 13, Issue 10: Set A Hard Stop

I have noticed that things can spiral out of hand very fast if we are not careful. We can easily plunge back into patterns we want to stay clear off in the new year. It's just been one week of getting back to work and I am already finding myself working through lunch and working late some days. I can't let this be the norm this year. I just can't.

I am living life to the full this year. I refuse to let work overwhelm me. Just because the work is a lot doesn't mean I have to let it get to me. I will tackle it one at at a time in a calm and relaxed way all day, and when 5 o'clock comes along, I will hit pause and proceed to relax and recover. Then pick up where I left the next morning.

I realize that getting overwhelmed is a choice one makes. It is not an automatic response to the magnitude of work on ones plate. I choose the opposite of overwhelm at the start of this year because I know only too well that when I take more than I can handle at work, other aspects of my life suffer.

Overworking is a habit that is easy to slide into. I sometimes find that I want to go on and on working even when I know the time for work is up. By the time I finally pull away from work on such days, I am too drained to do or think much else. I may even want to indulge myself in excessive eating or mindless watching of videos.

I need to make a drastic change on this from the onset. Set a hard stop time for my work days. Such that when the alarm rings, I walk away from my computer irrespective of what is incomplete. What do you need to set a hard stop for in order to steer away from destructive patterns this year?


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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