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Volume 13, Issue 11: Motivation For Drastic Changes

Where does our motivation to make drastic changes come from? How is it that we can be living life one way without giving much thought to some unwholesome habits that we allow to co-exist with us, then one day, all of a sudden, we decide to make a drastic change about it, and actually follow through with it?

Where does that come from? Does that happen to you? It certainly happens to me from time to time. My most recent one happened earlier this week. I take a small handful of home roasted peanuts with my breakfast. I snack on them after I have eaten everything else on my plate. Peanuts are like my after breakfast dessert.

Being cognizant of the high caloric content of peanuts, I prefer to take just one small handful per day. But lately I had been going for second servings of that and even third and fourth servings sometimes. I didn't like that I was doing that, but I hadn't seriously considered stopping it.

Each time I went for a repeat serving, I knew it wasn't right for me to break my commitment to stick to one serving. I knew it wasn't something I wanted to become the norm. But I still did it, amidst the guilt, and sometimes not feeling guilty at all. I wasn't happy with myself about it, but I enjoyed the peanuts.

Then one morning early this week when I wasn't thinking about breakfast or peanuts, it became clear to me that this was something I needed to make a drastic change about right away. And so, I did it. I said to myself that from that point forward, I was going revert back to enjoying only one handful serving of peanuts with my breakfast.

I have so far stayed with the drastic change. I have hardly craved going for a second serving this week, and when I have had the thought, it wasn't hard for me to restrain myself as the commitment I made that morning was strong and is still fresh in my mind.

Looking at this new year alone, I have made a couple of such drastic changes this month and last month. So, going back to my question, how do these things happen? How do we every now and then get to the point where we decide on a drastic change to make and commit to it?

I suppose it could be a couple of things for different people. But for a person of faith like myself, I believe one of it is the Holy Spirit nudging us to live our best lives. As we stay in constant communion with God, His presence is with us ordering our steps, teaching us, rebuking us, helping us and revealing truths to us.

Heed your motivation for making drastic changes for the better and live your best life yet this year.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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