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Volume 13, Issue 12: Crave The Process

It's one thing to say "Enough is enough" and to spell the drastic changes you want to make. It's totally a different thing to actually make the changes. I have realized that we may be passionate about making drastic changes but unless we plan and lay out the modalities for making the changes, no lasting or significant change will materialize.

Last week, I committed to having a hard stop time for work and for other aspects of my evening. As I was reflecting on this new week earlier this morning, it occurred to me that sticking to my calendar today and this week will not materialize unless I plan for it and set parameters that will help me feel good about keeping to my set hard stops.

This quote from James Clear that I saw after I paused writing this article immaculately drives the point home. "It doesn't make sense to continue wanting something if you are not willing to do what it takes to get it. If you don't want to live the lifestyle, then release yourself from the desire. To crave the result but not the process is to guarantee disappointment."

As I was reflecting this morning, I thought through what I need to do from the onset and throughout the course of the day to ensure I live up to my hard stop times today. What have you set your mind on actualizing this season? Are you willing to do what it takes to get it? If you don't want to do what it takes, then you might as well let go of the desire and be happy with your status quo.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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