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Volume 13, Issue 13: Schedule It

I have found that what gets scheduled and consistently pursued gets done. If there's something you really want to be doing consistently but struggle to actually do, your best bet is scheduling a set time for it when your attention will not be distracted by other things.

For a long while I wanted to read for an hour every day. But each week, I ended up sitting down to read only a few times a week for a few minutes, and sometimes not at all. It was only after I reorganized my daily calendar and activities that reading every day became as regular as having breakfast.

When you try to get a habit down for so long unsuccessfully, it's easy to give up on it and pursue other easy things. The secret is to persist. You may keep falling, but keep getting right back up. Keep trying until you finally get it right. However, it's not enough to persist. You also have to keep your mind open to new ways of trying.

You have a better chance at succeeding if you try methods that work that just trying. They say it's insanity to keep doing the same thing and expect different results. So if the method you have employed hasn't worked, try another method, and another, until you land on the one that works.

What I have found to be work for me is scheduling activities and honoring my calendar. If the calendar says it's time to read, I am not doing anything else. I am reading. It helps to make sure your calendar caters to all your needs so that you don't feel like something else needs your focus and attention when you want to read or to do a workout or to talk to your spouse.

As you gear up, be patient with yourself. It took me a long while before I could honor my calendar. Accept that you are work in progress and celebrate the fact that you are getting better every year. Let this be the year you master scheduling the things you want to do and honouring your calendar.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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