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Volume 13, Issue 14: Pursuing Improvement

One evening last week I wrote, "I thought I had a better handle of today but here I am again settling down at almost 8pm, an hour late. But I am not giving up. I have taken a mental note of the tasks I embarked on after dinner that don't belong in that time slot. I am not giving up. I will get it right".

I certainly had a better week after that recording. But still not where I want to be. Is there something you are trying to perfect but you still don't have a good handle on? A routine maybe, or a new habit? Keep trying. Keep showing up. Take note of the hindrances to your success and work at eliminating them.

Success is not easy. But the interesting thing is that when you attain success at something you have worked hard at, it feels as if you always had it. You will seamlessly ease into the new rhythm. Even so, don't forgot what it took you to get there. Celebrate the achievement and register the milestone somewhere memorable.

Just like each day is an opportunity to do better, each week affords us a new opportunity to pursue improvements in our undertakings. Use the beginning of each week to reflect on the past week and consider ways in which you could do better in the new week. Let's be determined to make improvements each week.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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