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Volume 13, Issue 15: Pick One

What's the one thing you can focus your attention on to perfect or to get a better handle of this week that if you did, would give you the most sense of satisfaction?

Sometimes we find that we struggle to perfect a number of things all at once. Weeks come and go and we regret that we have not attained 100% success at any of them. When this happens week after week, it comes a time when we need to decide to go for gold for one pursuit at a time.

This doesn't mean we stop working on the other pursuits. It just means that we prioritize one and give it our all until we master it. Then pick the next one and do the same.

Let's have the mindset that it's all or nothing in the pursuit of our goals. A little bit of success is not success. Getting it right one day and missing the mark the next two days is not success. It is mediocrity. Successful people set achievable goals, they go after them and achieve them. That's who we are, and we are going to do just that.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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