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Volume 13, Issue 17: The Power Within

When I look at our teenagers today with their lofty ambitions to make it big in the world, I sometimes wonder if they have it in them. I see the talents and the brilliance, but wonder if they have the mindset, character, attitude, work ethic, grit and resilience to overcome adversity and failure in order to succeed at the highest level of their craft.

I enjoyed reading these words from Jon Gordon last week. He was describing what coaches should look for when determining which of the most talented high school and college baseball players have what it takes to make it to Major League Baseball. This is what he advised the coaches and players.

"Are they someone who has discovered the power inside them? Are they someone who realizes that there's greatness within them? Do they know they are more powerful than their circumstances? Have they tapped into the love, joy and goodness within them? Do they feed the positive or negative inside them? Do they allow fear to inhibit them or love to propel them?"

Gordon continued to reiterate, "Everyone has this power inside them. Everyone has the power to work hard, be resilient and gritty, live with character and integrity, stay positive and be an overcomer. The ones who thrive are those who tap into it and unleash it".

Tap into the greatness within you by having a high state of mind. You have inside you everything you need to be your best. Know that power and utilize it. Then mentor the teenagers and youth in your life to do the same.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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