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Volume 13, Issue 18: Joy Comes With The Morning

As we do life with the people we love, we sometimes get wounded by them. What I have learnt is the importance of going to God with our hurts and allowing him to mend us and guide us on how to proceed.

I like how although I can be distressed over a hurt for a day, as long as I am submitting myself to God's tending, I wake up the next day bubbling with joy and knowing the direction to take.

As long as we relate with people, we cannot completely shield ourselves from getting hurt by them from time to time. But because we walk with God, we don't have to fear getting hurt. Because he is there to see us through the pain, and to heal and mend us.

Don't hang on to your hurt when people hurt you. Release the hurt and the person, and entrust yourself to God to make you whole again. And don't wait for the one who hurt you to apologize before you can forgive them. Forgive them anyway and let God take care of you.

Don't let pain linger, and bitterness and resentment fester. Rather be quick to forgive people who hurt you. Do it for you, for your own good. Then you will find that although sorrow may last for the night, joy indeed comes with the morning.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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