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Volume 13, Issue 20: New Beginnings

New beginnings are possible at any point in life. You can say, "from this point on, this is the direction I am taking." You can say, "from this point on, I am no longer doing that or being like that, or taking that, or allowing that to happen."

New beginnings are possible every day or week or month or year. All it takes is an "aha" moment. That is why it is important to constantly expose ourselves to new information and knowledge. We do that from attending seminars and conferences, reading books, listening to podcasts among other avenues.

I have found that making a new beginning puts a spring in one's step. It brings excitement and vibrancy. It makes one feel like a new person, with a new lease of life, ready to achieve great feats.

Don't deny yourself the opportunity to make new beginnings every now and then. It's denying yourself the opportunity of making amends in your life, righting wrongs, taking a course of action for the betterment of your life and other people's.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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