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Volume 13, Issue 21: Steadfast In Faith

When things are not working in an area of your life. It could be a health or financial challenge. Or your teenage or adult child is not walking right in one aspect or another. Or things are chaotic at your place of work. Or you are battling with barrenness in an area of your life. Search the Scriptures to come up with relevant prayers to pray over the issue.

Choose to walk in faith no matter how long it takes for your dream to manifest. Stand firm on the Word of God and declare it for as long as it takes. God watches over his Word to fulfill it. He is faithful to act in accordance with his Word.

Whatever you correctly believe is right for you, be persistent in the pursuit of it in faith and prayer, however long it takes. It's the best course of action to take. You have nothing to lose by being steadfast in faith. After all, the worst that could happen is that you don't get what you are seeking.

Trust God to come through for you, even when it seems unlikely or impossible. Sometimes the circumstances on the outside look so hopeless. Don't let that intimidate you, because nothing is too hopeless for God to turn around. Keep praying about it and trusting God no matter how bleak the situation seems.

Don't sit back and let life happen to you. Take control by fighting for what you want by reaching out to God to intervene for you. Then trust him to do what he chooses. And trust that his choice for you is the best deal you could ever get.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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