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Volume 13, Issue 22: Intentional Self Care

Some people who are very industrious struggle with slowing down on a regular basis for self care. If there are things to be done, they will plough through them, pushing past their fatigue. This isn't a good practice by any standard.

Self care is about listening to your body. There are days when I can go on with work for hours on end, like last Friday and Saturday because of an event I was hosting that Saturday afternoon. Today I noticed that my body wasn't feeling like being pushed too much. I am glad I listened and took it easy this afternoon and evening.

If you are anything like me, let's make a practice of listening to our bodies and take regular breaks. I hide behind going to bed early almost every night and getting enough sleep. But I think that's not good enough. I also need to take a short break whenever I feel exhausted during the day.

Let's give self care some thought and see how best we can incorporate little bits of rest throughout the day, while remaining industrious.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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