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Volume 13, Issue 23: Change and Thrive

Have you ever been in a situation where you knew beyond a shadow of doubt that the other party in the situation with you was the one on the wrong? I have, and on many occasions.

Most of such situations lived out their lifespan without a change of heart from myself. Fortunately, I got enlightened in a recent situation where I was just as certain that it was the other party who needed to change. I realized that even if I strongly believed the other party was on the wrong, it was I who needed to change.

Could it be you who needs to change in that situation you're in?

A change of heart can make all the difference in a relationship. "What took me so long?" I wondered when it finally dawned on me that I held the key to freedom. I reckoned that I would rather have happy people in my corner than have my expectations met. I feel so much freer and lighter. Free to enjoy the people. Free to be fully myself around them, withholding nothing. Free to provide direction. It is wonderful!

Consider reflecting on this. You might just get to the other side thinking as I did. "That all along, it was me who needed to change yet I didn't even know it." And when you change, you will marvel at the outcome of what you think of the situation, and how you feel about it, and the person or people involved.

Some people may never change. Some situations may never change. But you and I can change how we frame the person or situation. You and I can change and thrive irrespective of whether the person or situation ever changes.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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