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Volume 13, Issue 25: Coach Yourself

What do you do when the atmosphere around you changes suddenly and without notice? What do you do when someone you were relating well with suddenly goes quite and withdrawn? Do you mimic them and go quiet too, or do you keep your lively disposition? What are the rules of the game in such situations?

I think having the capability to coach oneself is so important to remaining afoot when things change around you, sometimes with no direct contribution from yourself. Without self coaching, you can feel guilty about other people's change of disposition or insecurities and lose your joy.

With self coaching, you talk to yourself about the situation, ask yourself questions and consider the course of action to embrace. With self coaching, you are able to determine to maintain your energy when the energy around you drops. Self coaching enables you to fortify yourself against false guilt and joy stealers.

Learn how to coach yourself to be able to pick yourself up when you're down, as well as to keep yourself from being pulled down when the energy around you drops.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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