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Volume 13, Issue 28: Cultivate Positive Emotions

When something happens that brings negative emotion, you need to coach yourself out of the negative emotion and pursue positive emotions. Look at the bright side of things. Remind yourself of God's faithfulness to make all things work together for your good.

Don't end your day in a sulken state just because you got a phone call with bad news on the other side of the line. Get yourself back on a high with self coaching. If you have seen God work in your corner time and time again, you have no business wallowing in negative emotions. Encourage yourself in the Lord and trust that in His infinite wisdom, He will make all things work together for your good.

It helps to accept that things are what they are. Don't be hang up over decisions that are out of your control. I am coaching myself to accept that if my season at a place has come to an end, I cannot force an extension. I may want more time to wrap things up. I can wish it, but the outcome is not up to me. So it's an injustice to myself to get hang up on an extension that wasn't mine in the first place.

Whatever your circumstance that has aroused negative emotions, rise above it by coaching yourself to help you see things in the right perspective, in God's perspective. Don't wallow in negative emotions. Take actions that cultivate positive emotions instead, for therein lies your success.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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