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Volume 01, Issue 29: Leading Sideways

How could I possibly lead when there are no subjects to command? We dismiss the thought of developing our leadership skills for this very reason. Just because you do not have any direct followers doesn’t mean you should not develop and practice leadership. You can lead your peers in what you are best at.

To lead your peers you must earn their respect. Your peers will respond to your influence because of the credibility you have cultivated among them. As coequals with similar accomplishments, only credibility earns you the right to lead them.

Give your peers a reason to respond to your lead. Work hard at becoming the kind of person your peers want to willingly follow. Find a niche in your abilities that you lead at best and develop them into finely honed skills. As you lead, let your goal be to complete your peers, not competing with them.

However, appreciate that you are not meant to influence everyone. Don’t try to bring the whole clan with you. There are people who will not follow you, let alone respond near positively to your influence; and that is perfectly ok.

When all is said and done, keep in mind that the main subject of leadership development is not others but ourselves.

Lillian Chebosi




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