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Volume 13, Issue 30: Trust In God

There are times when we find ourselves waiting for something to happen. Do not be anxious in the waiting. God shows up on time. You may face a couple of denials and rejections along the way. Don't be intimidated by them. For they are a sign that God has something better in store for you.

Coming to terms with the end of an era and a major transition takes getting used to. It could be the end of a long job contract or retirement from formal employment. When you find yourself in such a position, take comfort in knowing that God hasn't been taken by surprise by what's happening in your life. He in fact allowed it because he knows you can handle it.

Be careful not to put your confidence in money in times of transition. Because your savings and investments can be wiped out in an instant if it isn't for God watching out for you. Rather put your confidence in God. Trust him to protect the wealth he has given you the ability to create over time.

Trust God to perform his Word on your behalf, seeing to it that there are no holes in your pocket. Trust him to keep you going even when the structure you have been used to for years is ending for now. Trust him to order your steps, and to open the right doors at the right time.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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