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Volume 12, Issue 35: He Undertakes For Us

In big and small matters alike, God never fails to undertake for us. I have seen His undertakings time and time again. God never misses an opportunity to do us good. He never misses an opportunity to look out for what would serve our interests and meet our needs.

I recently lost an item, but I didn't realize the loss until almost a week down the line. When I did, I figured too much time had elapsed to still find it. Nonetheless, I traced my steps back to the place I thought I could have lost it. To my amazement, it was there! Unbelievable. Someone had picked it off the ground and kept it nearby for me!

I reckon that wasn't sheer luck but God undertaking for me. He knew I would need the item when I noticed it was missing. The item being part of a set, God knew it would be impossible to replace it without buying the whole set again, something that wouldn't go down well with me. As such, He saw to it that someone picked it up and kept it for me until I went looking for it. I am so glad that our Father in heaven never fails to undertake for us. Praise His holy name.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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