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Volume 12, Issue 37: Finish Strong

We are in the last quarter of the year, approximately 12 weeks to the end. This is an opportunity to hit the reset button and finish strong in the areas of our lives where we aren't doing so well in or have gotten out of order.

Most of us started the year on a strong note, but as time went by, we slowly loosened our grip on some of our goals. Before we knew it, "floppy", "average", and in some cases "out of order "became our new normal in those areas.

What areas of your journey can you revamp now, in order to finish the year strong? One of mine is my food portions. My portions have progressively expanded over the past couple of months. I know so because I have been finishing my meals feeling stuffed. The week before last I decided that I would take my food portions back to the sweet spot I had found before. I have started my way back there and I am determined to see it through to the end of the year.

Practically, this means that where I was dividing a pot of stew into two portions and ending a meal stuffed, I am now dividing it into three portions. Where I made four chapatis from two cups of flour, I am now making six chapatis, thereby turning two cups of flour from two dinner servings to three dinner servings.

To bring my writing to a strong finish, I have decided to go back to a scheduled writing time and quietly sit there doing nothing else until the time lapses, whether I manage to write something or not.

Which of your goals are out of order? Consider the practical ways you can make adjustments for the poor performing areas of your life to restore order and usher you to a strong finish by the end of the year.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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