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Volume 12, Issue 39: The Opportunity In Unexpected Occurrences

Every now and then life throws us a curve ball. Something unexpected happens and we find ourselves in uncomfortable territory. When we don't pose to consider all possibilities, we often tend to let the unexpected happening bring out our weakness rather than our strength.

When I have one of my teenagers do something crazy, or someone behaves badly towards me, do I have to react out of character? Just yesterday I was displeased by one of my teenager's disregard of a code of conduct and I didn't handle it well. I later regretted sweating the small stuff.

When the unexpected happen, can I instead pose to consider how I want to show up in the situation? Before doing or saying anything, can I have a brief meeting with myself and consider how I want to handle myself in the situation?

"In the midst of the unexpected, we have the opportunity to make one of our greatest Best Yes decisions ever. Let this unexpected happening point to your strength, not your weakness". Lisa Terkeurst.

When the unexpected happens, let's learn to pose and consider the best decisions we can make and take the subsequent best actions. Let's desist from doing the easy thing - reacting. Let's rather take the high road and consider the best decisions and actions to take.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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