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Volume 12, Issue 40: Emulate The Chief Giver

Christmas is a time of giving. It's a time when fathers and mothers give special gifts to their children, and friends and family exchange memorable gifts. But the greatest giver of all is our Father in heaven.

God not only gave his son Jesus Christ who was born at Christmas time as savior of the world, He continues to give us gifts throughout our lives. Sometimes the gifts from God to us are practical, and sometimes they are extravagant. Don't you just love it when God surprises you with just what you need, when you need it, even before you fathom the courage to ask for it?

Just a few days ago I needed rescuing with my food storage where I am staying currently away from home. My fridge wasn't working well, so there was a good chance of my food going stale over the ensuing night. To my amazement, my caring and practical heavenly Father came to my rescue in the nick of time. Without my asking someone to store my food for me, God arranged it that I got a phone call about the fridge after I had gone to sleep, and a few minutes later, they sent someone to come pick my food and take it to their kitchen freezer. Isn't that just beyond amazing!

This is just one of the ways God gifts us throughout the course of doing life with him. God also gives to us through the ideas he drops into our minds and hearts. He is constantly guiding and directing us on the course to take regarding practical aspects of life.

As such, as you consider the kinds of gifts to give to your family and friends this Christmas, consider how you could emulate the way God gives and replicate the same to your family and friends. I believe such gifts are the most valuable than any material gifts we could ever give to our loved ones.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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