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Volume 12, Issue 41: Reflection and Gratitude

Being away from home for an extended period of time this season has made me come to appreciate having a family and a home way more than ever before. When I was preparing for this trip, I couldn't wait to get on with it. But now that I am here, I am still grateful for the opportunity, but I miss my family and home life.

Although I have found that weekends are a bit hard in managing homesickness, I am glad about the things I am learning about myself on this trip. I am now so grateful about the mundanity of homemaking. I now realize even more that that's my life. That's who I am. I am a homemaker. I am the person who does things for my family.

I thought I was taking a break from homemaking - doing things for my family. But what I have found living abroad is that when I go back home, I will cherish my home life. I will cherish homemaking and having my hands full with doing things for my family.

Having been away from it, I am grateful to wake up to messy seats to tidy up. It's a sign that I have a family who enjoy the comfortable home I provide. I am grateful for finding bread crumbs on my kitchen countertops. For it means that I have loved ones enjoying the food I provide.

It's nice that here, I don't have to clean anything. Not floors nor dishes nor bathrooms nor clothes. But I am grateful to have those things to do when I am at home. Having to clean frequently means that I have people in my home, in my life. When I go back home, I will do those things with a full heart every time.

I am eternally grateful for the gift of a family, and for the gift of a home. And I am grateful for all the work that comes with having a family and a home. I am grateful! What are you grateful for at this time of the year?


For His Glory ,

Lillian Chebosi



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