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Volume 12, Issue 42: Navigating Change

We all deal with change differently. For someone who thrives in sameness, I thought I was poor at dealing with change. However, I have found that even people like me are just fine in their dealing with change if they are afforded an approach that suits their temparament.

For people who "don't like" change, they handle change just fine in the comfort of time to weigh the situation. On the other hand, people who immediately jump at an opportunity for change don't require time for consideration.

I don't adopt to change easily. But as information sinks in bit by bit, I slowly gain the courage to start making adjustments. Starting from last month, I have been consuming a healthy daily dose of information on matters health and the human body. As such, I have started to adopt and change.

I have found that if you are the planning and rigid type, you struggle with immediate change decisions. However, you get on well with abrupt changes when you get a little bit of time to get used to the coming change.

I usually want everything to work out perfectly. So it helps to have a little bit of time in my hands to navigate an upcoming change. If I have to give an answer to a change right away, my automatic response is usually negative. But if I have a little bit of time to think about it, I find that an affirmative response is usually looming around the corner of my mind.

Interestingly enough, people who are reluctant to change often end up being more excited about an upcoming change once they have had time to consider the change than their counterparts who are instantly open to change. As such, the former are likely to benefit more from change than the later.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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