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Volume 12, Issue 43: Just Ask

Ask and you will receive. Who do you ask? Who is this that you can expect to receive from when you ask? The giver of all good things, our Heavenly Father. Oh, how he loves to give good gifts to his children.

Today I experienced one of his extravagant gifts. I have been dissatisfied with something this week. But I didn't think I could get what I wanted. I knew I couldn't just ask the people who hold the key to it because the only other option they knew was too costly. Fortunately, towards the end of the week, I gained the courage to ask God for it. I asked him to make it happen for me if it were possible.

Today, while out on my walk in the morning, God ordered my steps to a certain location. And while there he led me to a new establishment. It turned out to be exactly what I wanted, and at a cost that could be accepted. Then I made the call to the person calling the shorts and she said Yes! Oh, wasn't I excited. I was jumping up and down, and I don't remember the last time I did that.

Is there something you really want? Is there something you thought you lost your chance at having? It's never too late to ask for it. Our loving Father delights in giving good gifts to his children, if we ask in accordance to his will. So go for it today. Just ask.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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