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Volume 12, Issue 44: We Get What We Settle For

At the start of 2023, most of us set aspirations of what we wish to achieve. We set goals to strive for in the year. But as many new year resolutions fall by the wayside shortly after they are set, what we strive for sometimes ends up being very different from what we settle for.

We may strive for a 10 in a health and fitness goal for instance, but end up doing up to say a level of 4. That is what we settle for, and that is the achievement level we end up with when the curtains draw to a close, unless we do what it takes to hit the mark we set.

I, for instance strived to write and post 52 articles this year, but it's very likely that when the curtains for 2023 draw to a close, I will have settled for a number close to 50. Why haven't I hit the mark I strived for? Because I settled. I didn't push myself hard enough to hit the mark.

And so, I agree with James Clear when he says that "You won't always get what you strive for, but you will definitely get what you settle for. You won't magically outperform your standards."

Are you happy with the standards you lived by this year? In what ways did you settle? In which of your goals did your performance fall short of what you strived for? Now is a good time to reflect and consider how we want to show up in 2024.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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