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Volume 12, Issue 45: What Worked Well?

Looking back at your habits and processes this year, what would you say worked well and would be worth doubling down on next year?

The beginning of a new year is not about starting everything afresh. Yes, there's need for a fresh start, but where you have done well, those are the places to do more of in the new year for even greater success.

What worked well for me this year is waking up on time, eating breakfast like a king, having an early dinner and going to bed early. Meal prepping once a week also did me a lot of good. It would be foolish to drop these and try other approaches altogether. As the saying goes, "If it's not broken, don't fix it".

The start of a new year is a good opportunity to adopt a new habit. But not at the expense of what worked well. Drop what didn't work well, and add something new, but be sure to double down on worked well. Take some time to consider what worked well for you this year and come up with ways by which you can double down on them next year.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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