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Volume 13, Issue 10: When God Gives You A Word

When God gives you a word, hang on to it. Travail for it. Pursue it. Persist in it.

How do you know that God has given you a word, a promise? I believe one way is He brings to your mind a portion of Scripture that aligns with what you are in need of. And then He gives you the interpretation for it, and its connection to your situation. He deposits something in your mind and spirit that you had not thought of before.

When God gives you a word, at first you are excited and pursue it with all you've got. Then time begins to lapse and you see nothing happening. You start wondering if that word was from the Lord at all. You think that maybe it was your production, that you made it up.

Other than time lapsing, you may even receive communication that those holding the keys to what you are in need of are not willing to give it to you, that they are pursuing other options. You may be promised to be updated in a week but no update is forthcoming weeks later, and you feel embarrassed to ask again.

But none of that fazes you. What you will notice when God gives you a word is that even when copious amounts of time lapse, you are at peace. You are not worried even when it seems all hope of its fruition is lost.

You will also find that when God gives you a word and it tarries and you try out other alternatives, you find that He does not give you success with the alternatives. You may find that you meet all the qualifications for the alternatives, and in some cases, your qualifications surpass what is required. But you still don't succeed.

When God gives you a word, nothing can stand in the way of its fulfillment. Not the passage of time, not your lack of the necessary qualifications, not the opposing wishes of those in charge. God can override protocols to bring to fruition what he has spoken to you.

When God gives you a word, hold on to it. Travail for it. Pursue it. Persist in it. Keep praying for it no matter what. Don't drop the ball just because it looks like nothing is happening. After all, faith is about believing for what has not materialized. When God gives you a word, don't give up on it unless He says so.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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