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Volume 01, Issue 32: The Price for The Prize

As we observe the crowning of achievers, we admire their success and long to see ourselves receiving the tributes and being celebrated. What we fail to embrace is that they did not wake up one day and found success. They recognized their God-given abilities, worked their tails off to develop them into finely honed skills, and used these skills to accomplish their goals.

It is not the will to win that matters. It is the will to prepare to win that matters. What price are you willing to pay for your dreams? Acknowledge that anything worth attaining takes hard work, and then name your price. Choose what you are willing to give up, to go up.

Achievers pay a price for the prize. They apply their learning and make the difficult changes. It’s easy to receive knowledge and continue doing business as usual. Applying our learning takes us out of our comfort zone. If you wish to not just applaud others but be applauded as well, declare it time for business unusual. Do whatever it takes to develop your skills and exploit your potential.

Every achievement has a different price to pay. When you choose to go against the grain, you risk being misunderstood. Make up your mind from the onset that you will persist and outlast your opposition. Value excellence and observe the hard work involved. Develop your character alongside your competence, for they are both equally important. In the face of adversity in the pursuit of your dreams, determine to live out the words of Maya Angelou who wrote that you may encounter many defeats but you must not be defeated.

As you devote yourself to make a difference, don’t underestimate the power of unwavering diligence in achieving your goals. Work hard at what you do and embrace the discipline to stay in the process of what you want to be great at.

Lillian Chebosi




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