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Volume 13, Issue 20: Love Your Habits

Coming from writing about the importance of building smarter systems to guarantee the achievement of our goals, I want to reiterate the importance of loving our collection of habits, rituals, and routines that make up our days. How we feel about the things we do determines whether or not we enjoy life.

There are things we do for ourselves, some we do for other people, and others we do in the pursuit of our goals. Regardless of the category of the things we do, they make up our days, and as such, how we view and approach them shapes our days and the quality of our lives.

A good number of people view their habits, rituals and routines as obstacles, or, at the very least, obligations to get through. Working out, driving your children to school, preparing dinner, shopping for groceries, cleaning and organizing your house - we often regard routines as chores to be completed.

But these are not moments to be disregarded. They are life. They are not things we have to do. They are things we get to do. They are evidence of the blessings in our lives. Driving your children to their next activity is a reflection of the blessing of parenthood and time. Preparing dinner can be a calming ritual - perhaps even a fulfilling one - if done with abandon rather than rushed through.

All routines and rituals can be enjoyed and cherished. It comes down to the amount of attention you devote to those simple moments, and whether you choose to appreciate them or plow through them as fast as you can on the way to the next part of your day.

Habits, rituals and routines are what life is made up of. How can we enjoy life if we don't enjoy the things that make up our daily lives? Choose today to love and enjoy the things you do each day. By doing so, you will be choosing to love and enjoy your life.

"Find the joy and beauty in your daily rituals and you will find beauty and joy in your daily life. To love your habits is to love your days, and to love your days is to love your life." James Clear.


For His Glory,

Lillian Chebosi



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