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Volume 01, Issue 34: Brand Your Brilliance

Each of us is wired with a unique set of gifts and talents. These are the things that you do easily and effortlessly; what you ‘just know’ how to do. They are the clues to the genius in you. It is your brilliance, what you can be the best at.

If you haven’t already, take it upon yourself to recognize, acknowledge and make use of your brilliance, knowledge and expertise. We often fall into the trap of doubting the relevance of our gift. We imagine it’s too ordinary to be of any benefit to anyone. Yet greatness is found in the ordinary things of life.

Appreciate the rarity and value of your brilliance and expertise. It’s rare because there’s only one of you. Be yourself and bring out your originality and uniqueness; your peculiarity and passion. Others may already be doing something similar but you are the freshness people are looking for. Your brilliance is valuable because it solves a problem for someone. Every gift is a solution to someone’s problem.

We are often tempted to copy what others are doing; to emulate the way of doing things of those who have succeeded. But this is a lost chase. People are not looking for a copy of what is already there. People are looking for a fresh touch, a unique view. And each of us has that because there’s only one of each of us. If only we embraced our uniqueness.

Don’t be intimidated by the progress of those who have gone ahead of you in the area of your gifting. When you do your things your way, competition disappears. There are people who are uniquely and specifically your clients because of your uniqueness.

Be not moved by the negative opinions of those who knew you before you embraced your brilliance, and don’t see what the fuss is all about. After all, your brilliance is not targeted for everyone but a specific category of people, enough to keep you busy. Harness your brilliance to attract the perfect clients for you.

Lillian Chebosi





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