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Volume 01, Issue 35: You are a Lighthouse

The purpose of a lighthouse is to signal to ships out at sea that they are approaching the shore. Seeing the lighthouse signifies hope, a sense of relief; approaching the safety of the shore or a safe harbor.

You and what is inside you is like a lighthouse. The people having the challenges that you offer a solution for will see your lighthouse and come to you. When you position yourself and sharpen your skills, you will naturally attract those who need your craft.

Devote yourself to learn all you can in your area of brilliance and expertise. When you work on your craft, polish and hone it to perfection, the brighter it will shine and be seen much further and by many more people.

There’s need for focus and steadiness. If the lighthouse kept moving, it would not only be confusing but it would lose reliability and credibility. Don’t be everywhere. Stick to your craft. Work on your craft and understand the essence of what you are doing.

Quit trying to serve every ship out at sea, clients who are not perfect for you. Your brilliance is not targeted for everyone but a specific kind of people; and they are enough to keep you busy. There are people who are uniquely and specifically your clients because of the uniqueness of your craft.

The lighthouse does not go looking for boats and ships. It is the ships that look for the lighthouse. As you shine your light, your clients will find you just like that.

Lillian Chebosi




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