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Volume 01, Issue 37: Remain True to Yourself

When we go through profound experiences, they change us. We risk our relationships with friends and family. They may not like the direction we have taken or may feel threatened and judged by our decisions. They may wonder what happened to the person they though they once knew. Wangari Maathai, Kenyan Environmentalist and Nobel Laureate.

There are defining moments that define our lives. People who have always been around us may not understand the sudden change in our philosophy. We ourselves may not entirely comprehend it enough to offer sufficient explanations. Besides, it is hard enough to convince yourself that you can be great. How about convincing others? In the face of dissenting voices, both within and without, reiterate to yourself that what you have found is something to celebrate, not scorn.

Something changes when we discover who we are. We don’t remain quite what we were once we discover ourselves. We cease to be comfortable with the status quo and find that we want more out of our lives. We realize that we can be more than what we have become so far. We get dissatisfied with living just for ourselves and become anxious to grow in order to make a contribution to humanity.

When we go through profound experiences, we come out feeling confident of who we are and look at life in a whole new way. New excitement burns within us, passions we never knew we had. We cease feeling guilty for not doing certain things that people may expect of us. We know where we fit, we know our area of service and that settles it. We are not devastated by the opinions of others. We do not allow our moods to be tossed to and from by the behaviour of others. We know who we are and whose we are; and we are empowered to see our circumstances clearly, make choices wisely.

Every one of us longs to know that our life has a greater meaning than what we see or experience in the day to day. There is a service to humanity that you alone can give. To make your contribution you must remain true to your defining self. Advance your cause, doing the things that matter most to you and for the generations to come.

Lillian Chebosi




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