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Volume 01, Issue 39: Adversity Colours Life

Life is not always a smooth sail. Whether we like it or not, even the best of us face storms in our lives. Each of us stumbles upon testing a couple of times. We all have struggles and turning points in our lives. They make us stronger and wiser, and better able to handle life.

Disappointments, hurt, betrayal, shattered dreams, broken hearts, financial struggles, and losses are all part of the cycle of life. No one gets to be exempt from trials and troubles, but the response to hardship separates the boys from the men, and the girls from the women. You can choose to either embrace your pain and squeeze life out of it, or you can give in to it and allow it to consume you.

When faced with a storm, your concern should not be the severity of the storm, but rather how you will weather it. Attitude is everything. Nothing can change your circumstances faster than your attitude. Your attitude should be as was expressed by Maya Angelou when she wrote that you may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated.

I have learnt that adversity colours life. But we get to choose the colour. The colour we choose is largely determined by our attitude towards the circumstances that life affords us. In the same set of circumstances, people with a different attitude draw different responses.

Understand the reality of life and purpose to absorb the shock of life’s testing with dignity. Determine not to be resentful of your circumstances but to rather respond to them with grace. Allow times of testing and trial to deepen your character and beautify your spirit.

It is prudent to appreciate that adversity is inevitable in some respect. This will enable you to be prepared and ready to accelerate recovery from hardship with as little dwelling on the negatives as possible.

Although the world is full of hardships, it is also full of overcoming it. Hellen Keller.

Lillian Chebosi




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