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Volume 01, Issue 46: Finding Your Love

Self discovery involves finding out what drives you, what excites you, what consumes you, and discovering your passions. Before doing anything great, you have to become it. Self discovery enables you to become.

The beauty of self discovery is that you get to know what you love most. Once you do, don’t stop there. Begin to do it. Rearrange your life to do what you love most every day. Find ways to make the most passionate parts of your job the most part of your job.

What we are passionate about are the things in the sphere of our strengths. It then follows that we are most fulfilled when we put our strengths to work. Since passion excites and drives us, when you begin to do what you love to do and more opportunities of what you can be and do with yourself begin to emerge, the last thing you will be looking for is the end of the day. You will want your day to last longer. Herein lies your purpose.

Purpose in life is about unveiling what we passionately love. Our strengths are our God-given talents and gifts. They are the basis of our purpose. However, talent is not enough. We must sharpen it for favourable results. Develop your passions. Take the time to learn the appropriate skills and relevant knowledge to reinforce your passion from mere excitement to a core competency. Then serve it where it is most needed.

What makes you come alive? Determine to work at your strengths, doing activities that you are most passionate about. Each of us has a purpose to fulfill. It is what gives our lives great significance and value. Let your strengths steer you towards discovering your purpose. Once you do, connect with it. It is only when you build your life around your purpose that you begin to make a difference by prioritizing according to that purpose.

Lillian Chebosi





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